My New Smart phone!

I have been pesting my hubby for a good smartphone. Last week, my hubby asked what features were all required by me. I asked for  a good camera and few other features. Hubby said ok and he started to check prices with many mobile dealers while me being in office. I was thrilled.  I kept searching for an apt mobile and found one and messaged him the model name and the colour I want “jet black”.

After exhaustive work, I boarded the bus home. On my way to home, he asked me to get down near our usual resturant and also told me he is tired and hungry searching for a good deal to buy my mobile. He also added he has dropped the idea of getting me this high end mobile as it is exceeding his budget.

I got irriated to the core and with huge disappointment, I got down to the resturant. I thought of stuffing more into my stomach to raise the resturant bill ;). I stepped into the resturant and noticed my hubby. He said sorry that he was made to drop the plan of buying me the phone. Reluctantly , I grabbed his bag to stuff my lunch box to make him carry home ;). To my suprise, I saw my SAMSUNG GALAXY FIT sitting inside the bag smiling at me. Yipee I got my new SMART PHONE….
I ♥  my phone
The happy me with my phone 🙂