Flowers in Pink : Photographic Post

After a long time,  I am back to wrtie something here. I have loads and loads of post to share but I take time to do the same. My full time job sucks all my time and energy these days that I go directly to bed when home from office. Since this weekend is a long weekend, I am back.

I clicked few beautiful pink flowers in my aunt’s garden. Flowers are always pleasant to eyes.

Tamil New Year Lunch

This is yet another late post. This is to showcase what all I cooked for Tamil New year. The Lunch was yummy and delicious.
I made more than 12 dishes. All traditional Tamil dishes which turned out to be tastiest lunch.
We dumped ourselves with these exotic dishes and celebrated the day.
Post on these recipes soon
The pictures turned out to be great.

Quaked by Earth Quake

For the first time in my life, I felt the earth quake. I always wondered how an earthquake would be like. It was a scary, thrilling feel. Really. Whole of the software industry was on OMR rushing home. Myself and my brother struggled to get home. We had struggled to ride home from our office which took 3.5 hours to cover just 34kms. My brother who picked me from my office literally walked all way home sitting on his motorbike due to the very slow moving traffic. We could see the fear of death on everyone’s face on the road. Tsunami alert was given which made everyone even more panic.

My dad stayed back in Chennai cancelling his trip to TNJ just to pick us up from our office and to make sure we are safe. His anxiety level is very very high when it comes to me or my brother. My mom kept ringing us from TNJ to make sure we were home as soon as possible.

We love you Dad and MOM! We are gifted. My parents love for us is immeasurable. We adore and celebrate you Mom and Dad!

Psssshhh: Dont tell anyone! I really enjoyed the earth quake. First time in my life time. Feeling thrilled and smiles all over.

Praying to God to minimize or nullify natural calamities! =)

Weekend Outing

Last weekend, we went to a couple of places to relax. My hubby booked tickets for the movie “3”. You know what, we went for morning show after a  long time since Endhiran. That morning, we had huge mug of milo and went to watch the movie.
The movie was fine. The first half was lovey dovey and comedy was in track and entertaining. During interval, we both were more disciplined and didnt go out  to the snacks bar.

Second half of the movie was horrible. We were very hungry and hurried to nearby resturant “Vasantha Bhavan” After having meals and a cup of hot coffee, I clicked few fantastic clicks there. The reception area had vibrant colours.

My hubby loved each of the pictures I took. Rest of the day went on with organising and shopping.