Our Lil Elf!

Last year this time, i checked off an item from my bucket list. “Setting up a Christmas tree with my mom”. Actually my dad and mom were excited too, decorating the tree. I always love the sparkles and colors the tree show off.

Setting up the tree took some time as I had to fix all the branches, stem to the base. I set a four-feet tree and put on colorful baubles, stars, Santa Claus, reindeer and ribbons. I had loads of ornaments. Thanks to Amazon for stocking up different decorative stuffs. Finally I lit up the tree to make more appealing. I was proud of the output.

This year, I planned to set up the tree. Guess who helped me. Yes!! My 17 months old baby girl was my lil cute elf who joined hands to the task. She was happy I let her play with the ornaments. She pulled out each bell from the storage box and held out to me. I hung the bells to the tree and asked her for the other. I was awestruck that she was patient enough to do the job. Once done, she went on to do her usual veshamams around the house. Surprisingly she didn’t come near the tree thereafter. Touch wood!


Let see how long my tree glitters! Thank you my little elf!

PS: Photos will be posted soon!

Long time no see!


That has been a very long time, since I came to my cyber-home to say a “Hello”. More than 2 years I guess. So much has happened in my life.

I am very proud in sharing the happy news that I am a responsible mommy to my cute little daughter. Now I feel my life is complete and a new journey starts hereafter. She is going to be one this month.

So I wish to make some time for blogging! You may expect post of my motherhood experiences, as usual daily rantings, recipes and about books!

Happy reading !!!

My 2012 b’day gift

This is the costliest and more thoughtful gift from my hubby!! He surprised me with a tablet which is the latest on market. Nishok bought me Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. This is very useful for me and he just want to encourage me in all my passions.

Here are few of the pics and screenshots from my Note!!

Everyone’s Eager to watch Endhiran

was observed by me , when i forwarded the following msg to my family and friends…

MSG : Hi I got  18 endhiran (RoBo) tickets for the first day evening show throgh spl booking .shall v go? r u coming?

if someone msgs u like this,, call me .. I will also join with you for the movie….

Seeing only the 1st part of the msg i got 7 calls and 10 msgs.
saying they will join me.

Amazed all are superstar fanatics!

Thalaivar valga!!!