Amrutham Foods – Amrutham !

Amrutham – Food of God / Tasty food! I was wondering what to cook on this weekend after a hectic week. The pamplet of Amrutham Foods caught my eyes. The Kitchen opening ceremony was today! Myself and my MIL went there to explore the food. We went there and the path was muddy (choclately roads)… Anyway we reached there and were served with sample lunch started with Cucumber Juice (Yuck I said) . The organiser noticed my reaction and told me “taste it you  u like it” God It was awesome yet the cucumber smell was supppressed by the taste.

Then we were served with the following menu.

1.Potato Halwa
2. Banana stem Raitha
3. DrumStick Soup
4. Raddish Chappathi
5. Curry leaves Rice
6. Brinjal rajma Korma
7. Ragi Pakkoda
8. Vegetable Rice
9. Rasam on Barley rice
10. Carrot and curd rice.

I was wondering what would be their taste ? Should say this. It was Wonderful.. They provided us with the pamplet also. 

P.S This is not an advertisement to this  company.

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